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MCQ's for Jurisprudence

    Question. Jurisprudence has been defined as the formal science of positive law by

    Austin Salmond
    Holland Stone

    Answer. Holland

    Question. If the Jural co-relative of "Right" is "Duty", then co-relative of "Liberty" is

    Power Disability
    Liability No claim

    Answer. No claim

    Question. Which of the following is not a legal person?

    An unborn person Partnership firm
    Charitable fund A hospital

    Answer. Partnership firm

    Question. Mark the correct one

    Savigny - Natural Theory John Rawls - Sociological Theory
    Henry Maine - Historical Theory All are correct

    Answer. Henry Maine - Historical Theory

    Question. Who among the following propounded the theory of Volkgeist

    Henry Maine F. Savigny
    Roscoe Pound Montesquieu

    Answer. F. Savigny

    Question. 'Right in rem' is a right against which one of the following

    An Individual Government
    Everyone All of the above

    Answer. Everyone

    Question. Who among the following laid down the theory that a legal system arises from the combination of primary and secondary rules

    Austin Bentham
    Kelsen None of the above

    Answer. None of the above

    Question. According to Kelsen, the validity of a norm is base don

    Adaptability of the norm Effectiveness of the norm
    Receptiveness of the norm Both (a) and (b)

    Answer. Effectiveness of the norm

    Question. Austinian Law Requires

    Command Duty
    Sanction All of the above

    Answer. All of the above

    Question. Who among the following put international law under positive morality along with the law of honour and law of fashion

    Bentham Salmond
    Savigny None of the above

    Answer. None of the above

    Question. Jurisprudence has been defined as the formal science of positive law by

    Austin Salmond
    Holland Stone

    Answer. Holland

    Question. Mark the Incorrect option

    Command - Bentham Norms - Hart
    Rules - Kelsen All the above

    Answer. All the above

    Question. Who among the following is regarded as "Father of English Jurisprudence"

    Bentham Austin
    Salmond Holland

    Answer. Austin

    Question. Whose theory is called 'the pure theory of law'

    Salmond Savigny
    Kelsen Austin

    Answer. Kelsen

    Question. Who among the following called Austin's analytical school as imperative school

    Salmond Allen
    Holland Gray

    Answer. Allen

    Question. The founder of Historical School of Jurisprudence is

    Montesquieu Savigny
    Ehrlich Holmes

    Answer. Savigny

    Question. The statement " There is no distinction between public and private law" is attributed to

    Comte Spencer
    Duguit Ehrlich

    Answer. Duguit

    Question. In the mordern State, the best source of Law is

    Custom Legislation
    Precedent All of the above

    Answer. Legislation

    Question. The importance of 'custom' over other sources of Law was stressed by the Jurists of the

    Historical School Analytical School
    Natural Law School Philosophical School

    Answer. Historical School

    Question. Who among the following is considered an exponent of utilitarianism

    Hobbes Bentham
    David Hume Grotius

    Answer. Bentham

    Question. According to Austin, Saction is

    The permission to do an act The evil consequences of disobeying the command of the sovereign
    A right granted by law A power to inflict punishment

    Answer. The evil consequences of disobeying the command of the sovereign

    Question. Legislation grows out of theory but customary law grows of practice. The existence of legislation is essential for which one of the following

    de jure de facto
    both de facto and de jure dependent on recognition

    Answer. de jure

    Question. For a valid custom, there are certain prerequisites. Which one of the following conditions of a valid custom is not correct?

    Custom must be continuous Custom must be reasonable
    Custom might be contrary to statutory law Custom must not be immoral

    Answer. Custom might be contrary to statutory law

    Question. Balancing of social interests and the doctrines of social engineering is the greatest contribution to sociological school. This is attributed to whom

    Duguit Savigny
    Ihering None of the above

    Answer. None of the above

    Question. According to one of the theories of punishment, 'evil' should be returned by 'evil' this theory is known as the

    deterrent theory retributive theory
    preventive theory reformative theory

    Answer. retributive theory

    Question. Subordinate legislation emanates from

    Any authority other than the sovereign power dictators to subordinates
    usage of immemorial antiquity any subordinate being

    Answer. Any authority other than the sovereign power

    Question. A person is any being whom the law regards as capable of rights or duties according to

    Ihering Alexander Nekan
    Stone Salmond

    Answer. Salmond

    Question. Who said, "jurisprudence is the formal science of positive law "

    Bentham Stone
    Austin Holland

    Answer. Holland

    Question. The doctrine of hedonism or theory of pain and pleasure has been given by

    Savigny Salmond
    Bentham Austin

    Answer. Bentham

    Question. According to Austin, International law is

    A positive law A negative law
    Limited Law Positive morality

    Answer. Positive Morality

    Question. Who said, "The end of aw should be to satisfy a maximum of wants with a minimum of friction"

    Ihering Bentham
    Roscoe Pound Savigny

    Answer. Roscoe Pound

    Question. Which of the following is the oldest source of Law

    Legislation Custom
    Precedent Constitution

    Answer. Custom

    Question. Which one of the following schools of Jurisprudence laid emphasis on the question " How did law come to be "

    Analytical School Sociological School
    Historical School Philosophical School

    Answer. Historical School

    Question. The expression "sententia Legis' refers to

    Consensus Verbal expression of law
    True intention of legislature Both (b) and (c)

    Answer. True intention of legislature

    Question. Who among the following said, "A right is an interest recognized and protected by rule of law"

    Salmond Austin
    Benthem Kelsen

    Answer. Salmond

    Question. The ratio decidendi usually implies

    Resons of the decision Principle of law laid down in a decision which is the decisive element
    Both (a) and (b) None of the above

    Answer. Both (a) and (b)

    Question. Right in re aliena means a right over

    His own property A property of someone else
    A property situated in a foreign country A property situated in one's own country

    Answer. A property of someone else

    Question. The statement "Precedents are the past decisions which are used as guide in the moulding of future decisions" is attributed to

    Gray Keeton
    Salmond Dias

    Answer. Dias

    Question. According to Salmond, Supreme legislation refers to

    Colonial Legislation Executive Legislation
    Law Made by the Parliament Either (b) or (c)

    Answer. Law made by the Parliament

    Question. Generally, the delegated legislation means the law made by the

    Legislature Executive
    Judiciary Either(b) or (c)

    Answer. Executive

    Question. Which of the following Jurist said that people in the state of nature entered in to two contracts?

    J Locke J Rousseau
    Hobbes Henry Maine

    Answer. J Locke

    Question. Which of the following is not an attribute of Austin's sovereignty, Sovereignty is

    indivisible universal
    exercised by different authorities Unlimited

    Answer. exercised by different authorities

    Question. Who did not support the theory of dualism

    Triepel Anzilotti
    kelsen Hegal

    Answer. Kelsen

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